Rishabh Pan, the Indian wicketkeeper and batter, shared a video that sent his fans into a frenzy. Pant, who was forced to retire from cricket due to an injury sustained in a car accident, shared a video showing him walking with no assistance. The injury sustained by the wicketkeeper in an accident caused a ligament torn on his right leg. He underwent surgery.

Pant has been nursing these injuries ever since. Pant’s progress has been monitored by the National Cricket Academy and the Board of Control for Cricket in India. Pant, the wicketkeeper-batter has been seen in public. Pant was spotted by a crowd at Arun Jaitley stadium in Delhi for an IPL 2023 game between Delhi Capitals and Gujarat Titans.

Pant was later seen walking with crutches. Pant, the India cricketer batter who shared the video, is shown walking without crutches and with caution in the new video. Pant wrote “Happy No More Crutches Day!” while sharing the video.

The video of Pant quickly went viral and the fans were thrilled to see him back on his feet. Pant received a flood of reactions from everywhere.

When can we expect Rishabh to return?

Rishabh Pan is progressing at a rapid pace. However, media reports claim that at least 6-7 more months are needed for the wicketkeeper batsman to be match-fit. Pant may need even more time before he is fit enough to do wicketkeeping. The 25-year old is likely to miss both the ODI World Cup and the Asia Cup.

It will take him seven to eight months before he’s cricket-fit. It could be even longer before he can do the wicketkeeping. His initial comeback will only be as a batter. ,” claims a Cricbuzz article.


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