Has a Syrian perpetrated an attack on you? Nearly every news channel has reported this story. This update is being discussed worldwide, because people are stunned by the video that was posted online of Attaque Annecy. This video showed how insane someone could be to harm children and adults. If you want to learn the latest details about this attack, please read this article.

Twitter Video of the Attack in Annecy

Online reports claim that a man in Annecy stabbed a number of people with an axe. He managed to severely injure two adults and four children under five years of age. Children are at risk of death from the attack. Many people were shocked to learn about the attack after seeing the video on Twitter.

Twitter Video Annecy Attack!

Online sources claim that the attack took place in France’s lakeside town of Annecy. The attack was committed by a Syrian asylum seeker. His actions make it clear that the Man is insane. His actions were not the only thing that was cowardly. In the Twitter video, you can see him wearing black goggles. He covered his head in a blue cloth. He fought with a man, and a woman who were pushing a baby in a pram. The woman shielded her child from the attackers. attaque Annecy’s Tweet Video revealed that he had viewed the people at a distance before stabbing them. The people nearby tried to run around and protect the victims from attackers.

Is the video on Twitter Annecy accessible?

You can watch the video of the attack at various websites. This is a thorough search. Do a thorough search. You can find this on Twitter and Reddit.


We have given all the details about the attack of the Man referred to as Syrian Man in this article. This video shows how brutally a man attacked the residents of Annecy.


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